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1:1 SESSIONS  with Lucy Voelcker.                                     3-5 hours           £100                                                  Booking click


 I hold the space for you to connect deeply with NATURE & SPIRIT, and offer guidance in how to nurture that relationship for yourself.
Each session is tailor-made to suit the individual. 

No previous experience is required.
You may come with an issue to explore or allow the process to unfold.  Either way, I will help you to form an Intention to focus the session.

Together we might:
Find tools to connect with the Seasons (inner and outer)
Mark a significant event or new chapter in your life
Uncover your Gift

Know your purpose, and make meaningful contribution to the world 

Recognise and align to a Crystal

Address a neglected part of yourself that longs to be given space in a busy life.
Create a regular practice to suit you

Help you to help yourself


You will have space to walk quietly in the beautiful surroundings and time to reflect. This is a key part.

I believe my role is to hold Sacred Space where Nature “speaks” to you, and to mirror your encounter in a way that is helpful to you.

A guided journey and /or Fire Ceremony are offered to deepen insight and bring Intention into being.

We close the time with the act of making, be it creating a talisman or personal mantra as a grounding for Spiritual connection, encouraging you to integrate with your deep wisdom.


These sessions last between 3-5 hrs.

Participants often benefit from returning with each season over the year cycle. ie. if you first come in Spring, returning in Summer, Autumn and Winter for ongoing tracking and development.

For further details and info please contact me


see feedback and reflections below


Feedback from sessions .............


  •  Back home, I am going to bed now and the stars are amazing here tonight. Thank you so much for today. I know it's not the same but I can honestly say that four hours with you at the fire are probably better than four years of therapy.It was a deep, powerful session and I am so grateful. Every word you said resonated in some way.


  • Thank you so much for holding me through this time. I have loved every moment of our work together.  You have lighted the path for me, a path I have longed for that has woven the pieces together........I cannot envisage a time without your dear heart and wisdom creeping into my life.  Such joy and inspiration you bring! I think of my element Air.  My feet never touched the Earth. I make my intentions now.  To hold my ground.  To push and move forward.  It is a pink full moon passing and an eclipse new moon coming. An auspicious time.  A time of great change and new beginnings.  I can hardly believe we have made this journey over three cycles.  Weaving the pieces together. There are few indeed who could have opened the door as you have done.


  • Thank you so, so, so much. This process and what we do together- where I go in myself with your support at the fire - is THE thing that helps me, guides me, teaches me, heals me, excites me and amazes me through so many massive life challenges and changes these past years, and it can transform anything it seems - gradually and with attention to what is in me. 

Also because - quite apart from it being centrally important to MY life because of all this - I love it because it opens up a whole new level of magic and of meaning. And if that is there, and the magic unfolds, then this means something about the world that nobody is currently factoring in or trusting; a whole new level of meaning and magic to the world that I’ve always known was there and now I really know is there. As someone always thinking about my place in the world and the meaning and how to live, this is massive.


  • Thank you, Lucy, for helping me back to myself.  It's such an enormous time for me at the moment.  I feel like you've reminded me of tools I can pick up and use to ground myself and heal where needs healing.  The biggest thing, however, is the reminder to really listen to myself for the way forward, and to call in whatever is needed..  I feel like I've been given permission to dream my future into reality.. just got to keep daring to believe it's possible..


  • I love coming down through the star chamber meadow and walking through the woods, seeing what changes there have been since last time. Then approaching the drumming and the fire and seeing you. It’s always a happy and safe moment: here I am, here we are, and what we are about to do will be true and help. It matters.


  • It was really worthwhile spending the time we did together on Friday and I truly thank you for guiding me as you did, and being so insightful. The process has subsequently been quite extraordinary, so much unfolding in a deep way, and new insights continuing to emerge. I continue to feel the strength, trust & calm I began to feel that day;  it was a new portal.


  • Wrapped in a beautiful green blanket and surrounded by soft sheepskins, I closed my eyes and relaxed as Lucy began.  She spoke to many different spirits and the four directions inviting them in to our circle.  As someone from a “mainstream” background I really enjoyed this part of the ceremony for two particular reasons.  Firstly Lucy spoke in a way that was down to earth, using the most beautiful and vivid descriptions.  This allowed me to relax and to access my imagination. Secondly, she spoke with reverence as well as humour, which allowed me to stay very connected to her.  During this part of the morning I felt held by Lucy and importantly, was able to really relax.  She accompanied me on a journey and my experience was that she was by my side the whole way through.  Whilst my left-brain would occasionally ask me if I really trusted what was going on, my right-brain was deeply immersed in a very poignant and meaningful experience.  I am still not sure how Lucy was able to see and say all she did but that seems to me to miss the point.  What is important is that I went through a process which brought up a huge amount of emotion and allowed me to re-visit a place I had wanted to go back to.  Lucy facilitated what happened there with patience and respect. 


  • I appreciated how, when I was telling you about what I experienced - my journey to the moonlit circle and all that happened - you gently stopped me when I started going into my head and the past and talking about it all rather than recounting the experience. This is not a helpful place of mine - going over it all in my head and kind of getting stuck on the same upset bit - and so it was very good that you gently but firmly brought me back to the essential in what we were doing.​​


  • What a journey we had....I am still luxuriating in the sunlight and warmth  standing in the circle and bathing in earth

i didn't shower for days

and I remember you so clearly as I studied you closely and am so grateful for your presence clarity and honesty

that very soft witnessing and strength of holding and the joy and generosity of spirit you bring always

thank you Lucy.  A gift you are of beautiful light and inspiration.


  • I loved how you said “I don’t know” a couple of times when you genuinely didn’t - like we were journeying together (well we are) and that it is unknown. This helps even more to feel free to see what is and to trust. We are working together.​


  • Every step of the way I felt superlatively held, accompanied and guided by you, from the beginning laying out the intention, into the chakra journey and the time on the land, right through to the time by the fire and when grounding the vision. At all times there was such a sense of spaciousness and an honouring of what I was bringing. I loved the way I didn't need to know or understand more than I did, so all efforting or attempt to make more of what was there disappeared. I was so impressed by your intelligent listening, the way you gathered strands of what I brought together, linking up past guidance and present time dilemmas, making it into a coherent whole.


  • One of the things you passed on to me was the gift of time, making me realise I seldom feel I have the luxury of having enough time. 

What to me is even more important than what happened on the day has been that I've continued to sit with my "Chalice" and deepen into the experience, so that most mornings I sit and meditate, feeling the chalice within, linking it to Hara and pelvis, and also feel it surrounding and protecting me. I taste the star elixir and feel the connection to all there is, both in nature and spirit. And a sort of invocation has developed,.


  • I feel really lucky to have found a connection and thank you for helping me find it. I’m definitely going to keep on the journey and practice myself. The medicine wheel is a really good guide and I’ve used it already. I can’t see this journey as something to take or leave, it’s me and it’s exciting.

I’d really like to come again


  • I just wanted to thank you for my session a couple of weeks back. It was an incredible experience, and one which has changed me. After being back in my routine for a bit I know that what has 'dropped' in me as you put it has changed my way of being. I only need to make more time to be with it and allow myself to keep opening up. 

The experience in the woods was incredible, I really feel like the earth has returned my call for a deeper connection and that'll never go away. 

Thank you so much, I hope to have more sessions with you in the future


  • Thank you for a beautiful, moving, and expansive day exploring my intention, being with Nature and reflecting with you.

I felt the day was focused, gentle, inspiring and creative. Time flowed and apart from an initial anxiety when we opened the Charkas, I was able to be open and trusting with all that took place.

I very much welcomed your feedback interpreting what I encountered on my walk, and your insight gave me a deeper experience of my journey.

I loved the day, got a huge amount from it, felt you held the space for me so beautifully. I liked the way it was structured and yet there was space to think and change things. I did not feel you were trammelling me down any particular path but just opened up something that was there within me. As you know I didn’t have any clear ideas about what I had wanted to work on. I loved the ritual, visualisation, incantations and the fire and smoke. I really experienced it as cleansing and purifying in some way as though it was deeply instilling something out of me.

The telling back of the story was very powerful. I loved the way you were so open to share of yourself too, and the fact that at no point did I feel intruded upon, awkward or jarred in any way.

I would very much like to come again.​

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© 2019 by Lucy Voelcker & Kai Lange

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